Hello, one and all,
How are you doing? During this craziness, I genuinely hope you are staying safe and healthy. Lynn and I are well here. Our grandson arrives in a month, we are excited about that and has given us something to look forward to while navigating the current situation. I know, I know! I said no personal stuff on this blog.
A few things that have happened in the last few months. I finished a fun book project for a small publisher. It is about two small dogs who are trying to find their permanent home. The book comes out next year.
I also have an early reader graphic novel series that I write and illustrate, out on submission. Hopefully, there will be some exciting news to share one day. It is all we can do, keep trying, and creating. All of the hard work will pay off. I have such a fantastic agent, Jennie Kendrick. She is working hard to try to find a home for this project.
Since the other book is out for review with publishers, I wrote another graphic novel that is more for the middle-grade age. The characters have been designed, an outline is written, and the first draft is in Jennie's hands. Once we get the story to our liking, I will sketch out about 20 pages with another 5 in color.
I have also been playing around with Clip Studio, which is a drawing software. So far, I really love it and find it more suited for illustration work than Photoshop. It is very customizable and stable. Since using it, I have have not had one crash. Many comic artists use and highly recommend it. I have only scratched the surface f its capabilities, but these new three pieces were created using Clip Studio. My drawing tablet is an XP-Pen 22 inch. It replaced my dead Wacom at a sixth of the price. That is a quick update on my end. Please stay safe and be kind to one another. Russ
